Have you ever gotten old, and finally retired, and then said repeatedly to yourself as you walk around the house “now what?” That’s where I am. It’s been a few years since I’ve retired and most of the time, I’ve been dealing with an aging parent. She’s still hanging in at 100 years old but finally in a safe assisted living place. it was an incredible effort and the people at her assisted living place are actual angels on earth.

Anyway, now I have a chance to do something for myself but I have lifer’s block. Kind of like writer’s block but it’s life. What do I do next?

This is an effort not only to figure out what’s next but maybe to have some of you join in my crazies. Don’t worry, they’re fairly benign. Creativity is involved but there isn’t anything too strenuous (I think).

I’ll also add in some of my observations/stories from being in the film and tv biz for over 45yrs. It’s all about sharing experiences, finding passions, inspiration and love. Ready? Go!