Picking three random words out of a bucket of words, has been a trial. Mostly fun, but this past week I picked from my word salad grab bag were: Walking in the Woods, Copper and Birds. I thought this was going to be too much of a breeze. So I put it off and procrastinated and put it off some more. The only thing that kept coming to mind was Copper Birds. I couldn’t even get to the “walk in the woods” until late Friday and for some reason I’m trying to make a posts in one week from Sunday to Sunday.

Using Copper Flakes

Maine Pines, Copper Bird

The weird looking glittery stuff is copper flakes . For balance I put in few other copper birds on the branches. Once again, It’s just too hap-hazard. The second try was along similar lines and I had begun a story with it. It was ethereal story starting with a walk in clouds that began to dissipate. as the clouds opened up I found myself on the edge of a pond with copper birds flying about….I didn’t know where to go with the story. So, it became yet another weird picture.

Copper Crows
Fantasy Wood with Copper Birds

At the last minute I started painting little copper birds and finally someone walking in the woods. The idea of a copper bird has tickled something in me. Here are only two of several sketches:

Copper plus a little tarnish
Copper Bird on A Branch
Walking in the Woods, Bird, Copper
A Quick Walk in the Woods

Copper Trees

I feel like I was just getting warmed up using the three artist prompt words. Maybe I’ll extend this another week. This tiny watercolor was an afterthought, but here you go:

Copper Trees
Missing A Walk and A Bird

Also At the Last Minute:

I started to write a story about a woman, a copper pot and crazy, bird man that lived in the nearby woods. I liked where the story was going but it was getting long and complicated. I thought too much to present here. But who knows… maybe I’ll continue it for another time.

Next Week Grab Bag

I’ll choose three more words even though I might continue with the previous three. I think I need a little more time to develop some of these combinations.

If not, here are the next three words:

Cartoon, Dumpling, and Ecru Those seem like a reasonable grouping…almost too reasonable.